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Text File | 1992-09-12 | 15.8 KB | 278 lines | [TEXT/EDIT] |
- September/October 1992 Issue
- Welcome to the new expanded edition of Jim’s Jems. Thanks to everyone who has
- commented on this newsletter, we are now publishing a more in–depth issue and
- will continue on a bi–monthly basis. In this edition of Jems, you will find several
- new categories as well as an announcement about our company name change. Also
- included with your copy of this newsletter is an announcement about our upcoming
- seminars. I hope you can attend. As always, please enjoy this issue and feel free to
- write with your comments. and, of course: Remember –
- C.A.N.I.(constant and neverending improvement)
- “Our Doubts Are Traitors, And Make Us Lose The Good We Oft Might Win, By
- Fearing To Attempt”
- William Shakespeare
- “Who Said That?”
- You waited a long time for that special evening. The dinner was great and your date
- was quite impressed that you were such a good cook. Everything was perfect until
- you began to serve the dessert and proceeded to pour hot coffee all over your date’s
- designer outfit. If you were able to “freeze frame” this moment, you would probably
- hear a conversation that went something like this, “You dope! How could you be so
- stupid? Can’t you ever do anything right? See, they were right when they said you
- were useless. Why don’t you just go out and jump off a tall building?” If you are like
- most people, your internal dialog is likely to continue in this fashion. This steady
- stream of dialog has been referred to as your chatterbox, self talk, robot, editor,
- and a number of other names which all describe that constant, usually negative,
- chatter going on inside your head. I like the term “Thought Talk” because it seems
- a more accurate way to identify what is actually happening. Thought talk is that
- internal conversation we sometimes mistakenly call thinking, when a more
- accurate description would be talking to ourselves. You cannot stop the internal
- dialog but you can change what you are telling yourself. We all have these
- conversations with ourselves. The difference between people who have a healthy
- self–image and those who do not is that the former have learned to control their
- thought talk and use it for positive reinforcement. For instance, when you perform
- a task well, why not tell yourself you did well, congratulate yourself, and, by so
- doing, teach your mind to reinforce this desirable behavior. On the other hand,
- when you make a mistake, rather than beat yourself up about it, why not just see it
- as a mistake and nothing more. Affirm that you will be better next time and move
- on. Somehow, in growing into adulthood, we have developed an insane belief that
- we should do everything perfectly. That’s nonsense! If you have a small child and he
- or she is learning to walk, how many chances will you give the child to succeed?
- After a couple of tries will you tell the child they are stupid and say, “OK, that’s
- enough. You’ll just have to crawl for the rest of your life. I guess you just don’t have
- what it takes to be a walker” I doubt you would react in this manner. Let me ask
- you then, why do you do it with yourself?
- This type of disempowering behavior is another reason people have a fear of trying
- new things. Fear of failure is probably one of the biggest obstacles to human
- progress in our society. Again, we have this concept that we must be perfect right
- from the start. Think about any activity you now know how to do. Were you born
- knowing this? Not hardly. Somewhere along the way you had to learn. I’ll bet you
- were not very good at first, but with trying, you became better. All the things we
- take for granted like tying our shoes, riding a bicycle, driving a car, etc., were skills
- we had to be taught. Give yourself permission to make mistakes. You will anyway, so
- you might as well allow yourself to do it. By doing this, you gain the freedom to go
- out and experiment with your own life. Herbert Otto once said, “Change and
- growth takes place when a person risks himself and dares to experiment with his
- own life.”
- This is your life. It is not a dress rehearsal!
- Penguin Pete’s Potpourri
- Lighten Up
- There is a fax circulating among the female members of congress that lists “dumb”
- men jokes such as: “Why is it a good thing there are female astronauts? So someone
- will ask directions if the crew gets lost in space.” (ha)
- As Old As Your Stuff
- The definition of middle age is when the products you bought with a lifetime
- guarantee begin to wear out.
- The Eyes Have It
- A vacation is a success if we manage to change the color of the circles under our
- eyes from black to tan.
- Make Sure You’re Missed
- The ideal length of a vacation is long enough to be missed but not long enough for
- anyone to discover how well they can get along without you.
- Less Time Than You Think
- If you have stopped smoking and think you have to wait years to realize the health
- benefits, consider the fact that within 72 hours your lung capacity is already
- increasing. A long term incentive is that within 3 to 5 years, your risk of a heart
- attack drops to that of a non smoker.
- Toss It
- One more good method for cutting down on the amount of paper in your files is to
- ask a simple question. Before you file it, ask: “Will I ever look at this piece of paper
- again?” If your answer is no, toss it. You could also ask if you could find it from
- another source should you have a need for it in the future. If so, you guessed it —
- trash it (in a recycle container, of course). It takes creative paper handling to
- survive in our information society without hitting “overwhelm.”
- Crimes of Beauty
- According to Allure magazine, U.S.Customs reports that people are smuggling
- liquid cocaine in factory sealed shampoo bottles. This lends new meaning to the
- term “blow dryer.”
- Bovan Associates
- JDP Communications has a new name — Bovan Associates. This new name reflects
- new directions as well as additional resources. We have formed strategic alliances
- with other companies & individuals whose expertise will allow us to expand our
- services to assist you in your business and personal development. Our goal is to
- become an even more valuable resource to you and your company. Bovan Associates
- will provide the following services:
- s Personal Development Seminars & Workshops
- s In–house Seminars To Suit Your Individual Needs
- s Motivational Speakers For Conferences & Conventions
- s New Business &Start–up Consulting
- s Sales Consulting and Sales Management Workshops
- s Marketing & Advertising Assessment and Consultation
- s Quality Assessment & Q.C. M. Implementation
- s Marketing Support Materials, (Brochures Newsletters, etc.)
- We are committed to providing the highest quality products and services in an
- atmosphere of mutual cooperation and support. If you would like to receive a
- brochure explaining our services in detail or wish to schedule a meeting, please
- call our office at (718) 967–3064 or 1–800–944–3064. You can fax your request to
- (718) 967–3442.
- Statement of Purpose
- The mission of Bovan Associates is to provide individuals and businesses access to
- the latest developments in the human potential movement. Through workshops
- and seminars, we will encourage excellence and endeavor to inspire people to
- achieve their full potential as human beings.
- We will provide on going support in the form of communications services and
- consulting, to assist our clients in developing their personal and professional
- capabilities. Our commitment is to
- C.A.N.I.
- (Constant and Neverending Improvement)
- Personal Development — Physical Health
- Ready, Set, Breathe
- When was the last time you took a really deep breath? If you are like most people,
- breathing is something you take for granted. We assume we are breathing correctly
- but this is not necessarily the case. Most people have a very shallow breathing
- pattern and this can add to our everyday stress. When we get anxious, we tend to
- take short, rapid breaths. One way to relax under pressure is to purposely slow your
- breathing and take long, deep breaths.
- Some time ago, I learned a breathing technique which has been very useful for
- increasing my energy levels. It is something I can use at any time during the day if I
- feel a bit run down. The technique itself is pretty simple and originally comes from
- one of the yoga breathing exercises. If you are going to try this, please remember
- not to strain at any time and to stop if you feel dizzy or lightheaded. It is not
- necessary to strain when doing this technique. Regular, sustained practice, over
- time will benefit you more than trying to master this in your first session. Of
- course, if you are under the care of a medical practitioner, please consult with
- them before undertaking this or any other physical exercise.
- Essentially, the technique is this: Inhale for a count of say five or six (if this is too
- much, use a shorter count). Hold it for a count equal to 4 times the inhale count,
- then exhale for a count equal to twice the inhale count. For instance, using 5 as
- your inhale, you would hold the breath for a count of 20 and exhale for a count of
- 10. Like I said, do not strain. If this ratio is too strenuous (if you smoke or are not
- in great shape it may well be too much) you can use a ratio of 1 to 2 to 1. In this
- case, you inhale for a count of say 5, hold for a count of 10 and exhale for a count of
- 5. Either way, if you practice this exercise for 5 to 10 repetitions, two to three
- times a day, you will begin to feel the results in a short time. In addition to feeling
- more energized, this type of breathing has a cleansing effect on your body. Deep
- breathing causes lymph fluid to move through your system and helps to cleanse the
- cells. All in all, this is an excellent practice and I think you will enjoy it.
- Personal Development — Mental Health
- The Still Small Voice
- In the July issue of Jems, I wrote about how every spiritual leader and philosopher
- in recorded history, along with every stress reduction program being taught, has
- encouraged the practice of meditation.
- To delve further into this concept, let us take a look at some of what takes place
- when we sit quietly and “go within.” The obvious is that our blood pressure is
- lowered and our heart rate slows. What follows is not so obvious. When a person
- reaches the “alpha” state, a state associated with deep meditation, many events
- take place. This is the state associated with “waking sleep”, a state when our brain
- is producing waves in the alpha range (4–8 hz. per second) as opposed to our
- regular awake (“beta”) state of 10–15 hz. per second and above. These higher brain
- wave states are what is called anxiety and stress.
- In the alpha state, in addition to feeling calmer and being more relaxed, our bodies
- work more efficiently. Our internal healing mechanism is activated and our brain’s
- ability to produce neurotransmitter activity is increased. These activities partially
- explain some of the claims made for meditation. Claims like an increase in
- intelligence and the elimination of illnesses. It is, in reality, our mind and body
- working at their potential that is doing all this. This is part of our inherent
- “magical” ability.
- One Life To Live
- If you want your life to be more memorable and exciting, try the following: Every
- week do something, participate in an activity or whatever, that you will remember
- for the rest of your life. Can you imagine living like this? Can you imagine how many
- truly exciting activities you will experience? If you can, then go out and do it!
- Yes, You Are Creative
- We are all capable of creativity. To say you are not creative is to deny yourself the
- experience and pleasure of creative endeavors. You may have not tapped into your
- creative abilities as yet, but, that does not mean you do not have them. One simple
- method of enhancing your creativity is to change the way you approach everyday
- tasks. Your brain likes challenge and responds better to change than to routine. Try
- looking at a problem or situation from the opposing viewpoint and see what ideas
- you get. Change your morning routine or any other daily occurrence. This will
- stimulate your creative juices and I think you will be surprised how easily creative
- ideas will begin to flow. Do not judge ideas, just relax and let them flow!
- Business Bits
- Coming Soon!
- Bovan Associates will be offering the entire Nightengale–Conant Audio &Video
- library at discount prices to our readers. Now you can continue your self–
- development program, improve business and selling skills among your staff, and
- save money in the process. For more information about this, please call our office.
- Don’t Giftwrap Garbage
- It is not necessary to perform insignificant tasks perfectly. Efficient people get
- things done right, while effective people get the right things done!
- Type Tip
- Studies with various kinds of printed material have concluded that using all capital
- letters in body copy reduces the readers comprehension by more than 60%. Your
- copy is more likely to be read and understood if you use upper and lower case type.
- Don’t Forget The Home Business
- Home based businesses, according to Home Office Computing magazine, are
- responsible for buying more than $25 Billion in products and services since the
- beginning of 1992. This figure represents an increase of 18% over last year.
- No They Never Returned
- A recent survey of home based business owners concludes that the main reason for
- starting their own business was the desire for independence and 88% of the survey
- respondents said they would never return to the corporate environment. When
- asked about the benefits, 78% said they were happier and 85% felt more relaxed.
- Selling To The Home Office
- One of the best ways of reaching this hard–to–locate market is by networking
- through “leads clubs” or “home business clubs”, which are growing in popularity.
- “Do Not Wish To Be Anything But What You Are, And Try To Be That Perfectly”
- St. Francis DeSales
- Jim’s Trend Watch
- If you are following the women’s accessory industry, you will notice a movement
- away from handbags and pocketbooks toward those “fanny packs” or “belt bags” as
- they are called. Those are the small bags worn around the waist. This trend is
- evidenced by the entry into this market by the top designers like Chanel and
- Escada. Look for other manufacturers to follow suit (no pun intended). Good idea,
- considering this puts less strain on your lower back.
- Thanks, Thoughts, and Other Things
- From “Jems Readers”
- Thanks From Readers
- “Just received our copy of Jim’s Jems, thank you for sharing it with us.”
- Jim & Pat, PA.
- “Makes my job a little more bearable.”
- Ken, NY
- “I want to thank you for your newsletter and tell you how much I enjoy and
- appreciate it. Every day, you and your family are in my prayers.”
- Pat, NY
- Jems On–line
- “I would like permission to reproduce your newsletter on my local BBS, here in
- Jefferson City, MO.”
- Robert, MO.
- “I recently read your newsletter with great interest. I found it informative and
- worthwhile reading and would like to make it available to the members of my
- organization. We have a local BBS here in Columbus, Ohio.”
- Bruce, OH
- (Both BBS’s along with Compuserve, America On–line, and Brainstormer now carry
- Jim’s Jems. We welcome our electronic readership).
- From Far Away
- Dear Jim:
- I sit here quietly in the background and always read your newsletter. Quite simply,
- it’s excellent and keep up the good work. I just wanted to drop you a line so you
- know we are out here in the world.”
- Edward, United Kingdom
- Jim:
- I have just read with interest your July issue of Jim’s Jems. Do keep up the good
- work.”
- Jill, United Kingdom
- Thank to all of you whose positive response has been the inspiration for my
- continuing to publish “Jems”. I sincerely hope you find the information here
- beneficial and useful.
- Jim Donovan, Editor
- Please send your comments, suggestions, or questions to:
- Jim’s Jems
- P.O. Box 080157
- Staten Island, N.Y. 10308
- or Fax (718) 967–3442
- ©1992, Bovan Associates, All Rights Reserved • P.O. Box 080157 • Staten Island,
- N.Y. 10308 • Tel. (718) 967-3064 • Fax. (718) 967–3442